Democracy For Thee and Not For Me

In the wake of the series of rulings handed down by the Supreme Court in recent years, including decisions on religious liberty, affirmative action, abortion, presidential immunity, and student loans, Democrats and many in the media have renewed their push for “court reform.” The language being deployed by many is that the originalist Supreme Court majority is […]
Faithful Christianity In A Tribal Age

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal highlighted the growing polarity among Americans as we head down the home stretch of a strange and divisive Presidential election. According a recent Pew survey, there has been a sharp uptick in mutual disdain among self-identified Republicans and Democrats since 2016. Yet the same survey also shows over 50% […]
A Tragic Endorsement By A Beloved Athlete

Stephen Curry, the superstar who has led the Golden State Warriors to four NBA championships, just might be the best shooter in pro basketball history. His style of play has revolutionized the game, spawning a generation of players who shoot long three-point shots with a super quick release. His work ethic and dedication to the […]
Curriculum Battle In Texas

The usual suspects are up in arms over a proposed public school curriculum in Texas. “Bible-infused curriculum sparks Texas-sized controversy over Christianity in the classroom” reads the breathless headline from one education publication. From the ominous reports, one would think that classrooms in the Lone Star State were being converted into Sunday schools. One Democratic state representative […]
The Protestant Argument

Growing up as a Separatist Baptist, I knew we were Protestant, but didn’t always know why, except to say that we weren’t Catholic. It wasn’t until my college and seminary years where, after studying Church history and immersing myself in Reformation theology, I came to appreciate and love the Protestant tradition. It’s that word “tradition” […]
More Dangerous Than Ever

Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins shocked the world a few months ago with a declaration that he is a “cultural Christian.” This provoked scoffing at his desire to enjoy the fruits of Christianity without believing the truths at its core. Others noted the irony of Dawkins’ lifelong project of sawing at the branches of Christianity while admitting it has significant public benefit. […]
The Extremists You Warned Us About

Over the last decade, there has been so much hyperbolic fearmongering from media, academics, and some Christian leaders about the supposedly dangerous threat presented by evangelicals, many of whom dare to exercise their citizenship and vote for conservative candidates. But we should listen to the prophetic admonition about unhealthy engagement in the public square, the […]
The False Promise of the Sigma Male

A recent column in the Guardian explored the rise of self-described “Sigma males.” The columnist opens with this description: You are a lone wolf. You are an independent thinker who makes his own rules. You are confident and competent. Women are drawn to you, but you don’t really care about them. Your day begins at 4:30 a.m. with […]
The Limits of Secularity

In his recent analysis of fresh survey data from the General Social Survey, respected American political scientist and sociologist Ryan Burge noticed that the steady rise in non-religious Americans has plateaued. This cluster includes “nones,” who claim no religious affiliation, combined with atheists and agnostics. Between 2008 and 2013, the number of non-religious Americans rose nine percent, from 21 […]
The Dark Underbelly of Sports Betting

Recently Saturday Night Live featured a sketch spoofing the explosion of sports betting. It not-so-subtly punctured the false promises of the gambling industry: The satisfaction of placing a bet and watching it hit big. The exhilaration of an upset only you saw coming. With betting apps right on your phone, it’s easier than ever to turn your passion for […]