What hath Bethlehem to do with Washington?

It’s the time of year when Washington, D.C., sits largely quiet and empty, its inhabitants emptied out and headed home to their families. The politicians head home and even the most rabid partisans seek to escape the messiness of politics. Yet the real story of Christmas is inescapably political. The young virgin who bore Jesus […]
A Bridge To Nowhere

As someone who has been involved in conversations about civility and politics for a long time, I’m often asked by folks why this work can be so frustrating. We’ve been talking about breaking down walls, bridging differences, and crossing the aisle for a long time and yet Americans seem as polarized as ever. Are our […]
Let’s love America by loving God first

Christians First Though we may love to live in our country, patriotism must not get in the way of our identity as followers of Christ. I’ll never forget the moment I first walked up the marble steps to the Lincoln Memorial and saw the immense figure of America’s 16th president. I was 10 years […]
Thank God Roe is Gone, Now Let’s Not Grow Weary

As expected, after the recent leak of Justice Alito’s opinion, the Supreme Court has reversed the Roe versus Wade decision. It’s hard to overestimate the significance of this decision, coming after almost fifty long, hard, excruciating years. Contrary to popular opinion, the end of Roe doesn’t mean every unborn life in America is protected, it […]
What it will take to tackle mass violence

It’s hard to know what to say, think, and feel after yet another horrific news cycle in which innocents are gunned down in cold blood. But here we are again, this time at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, west of San Antonio. Parents who dropped their kids off at school as part of a […]
5 Key Findings From the Land Center Survey of Americans on Abortion

On May 31st, 2022, the Land Center for Cultural Engagement and Lifeway Christian Research released a survey of Americans, measuring their beliefs about abortion. In the wake of a pending Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, it is important to study public sentiment in this way. This research, which surveyed 1,155 Americans, […]
Women’s Charge in Overturning Roe

If you were to read most of the headlines after the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, that would reverse the 49-year-old Roe v. Wade decision, you’d think that abortion policy is a binary choice between men who want to see abortion restricted and women who favor its access. That framing, however, doesn’t tell the […]
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

Ever since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, abortion has been a perennial political issue in American life. But recently, with the new makeup of the Court and with several states proposing and sometimes passing new laws (both liberal and conservative) there is renewed attention on the topic. As […]
Will Roe Go? The Leak at the Edge of History

Last night, an unprecedented leak of the first draft of a Supreme Court decision was leaked to Politico, signaling that the Supreme Court, 49 years later, is poised to repeal Roe v. Wade. If this draft, and the at least five votes voting to allow the states to regulate and ban abortion holds, then we […]
How Should Christians Think About the War in Ukraine?

Paul Miller, professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, and Daniel Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, discussed how Christians should think about the war in Ukraine at an event hosted by the Land Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on April 12, 2022.