Women’s Charge in Overturning Roe

If you were to read most of the headlines after the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, that would reverse the 49-year-old Roe v. Wade decision, you’d think that abortion policy is a binary choice between men who want to see abortion restricted and women who favor its access. That framing, however, doesn’t tell the […]

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

Ever since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, abortion has been a perennial political issue in American life. But recently, with the new makeup of the Court and with several states proposing and sometimes passing new laws (both liberal and conservative) there is renewed attention on the topic. As […]

Will Roe Go? The Leak at the Edge of History

Last night, an unprecedented leak of the first draft of a Supreme Court decision was leaked to Politico, signaling that the Supreme Court, 49 years later, is poised to repeal Roe v. Wade. If this draft, and the at least five votes voting to allow the states to regulate and ban abortion holds, then we […]

How Should Christians Think About the War in Ukraine?

Paul Miller, professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, and Daniel Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, discussed how Christians should think about the war in Ukraine at an event hosted by the Land Center on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on April 12, 2022.  

Made For This Moment

On the eve of a new millennium, Chuck Colson published his seminal work How Now Shall We Live. It became a classic treatise for Christians asking the question of how to live for Jesus in a culture that is rapidly changing. That book had a profound impact on the way many believers, including me, think […]

Why You Should Study With The Land Center

Here at The Land Center for Cultural Engagement, our goal is to introduce the study and research of important ethical, cultural, and political topics through a biblical lens to carry out our mission: To train the next generation, equip the church, and host important conversations on the intersection of Christianity and culture. To offer students […]

We Won’t Go Away

On Friday, Sept. 24, the United States House of Representatives passed The Women’s Health Protection Act, the most sweeping pro-abortion legislation in history, a bill that would remove any restrictions on abortion throughout nine months of pregnancy. The bill had 214 cosponsors. All but one Democrat voted for its passage, and 210 Republicans voted against […]

How Pastors Can Combat Conspiracy Theories

It came as a text from a very close friend: “Did you know Mike Pence is part of a global human trafficking ring?” I didn’t really even know where to begin. I know people who have worked closely with the former vice president and repeatedly vouch for his character and integrity. What’s more, if a […]

What Are You Building?

Too often our politics is one of mere deconstruction. Our advocacy is less about building coalitions of support to advance human flourishing or to advocate for a vulnerable people group but is instead a kind of performative activism.  This is why often the fights we see play out in the public square are less between […]

What We Learn from Peter’s Epic Fail

One of the most poignant scenes in the Easter narrative was written by someone who was not there, but who investigated the claims of the Christian movement and was able to paint for readers an agonizing scene of shame and betrayal. Luke, a medical doctor by trade and commissioned to chronicle the Jesus movement, zooms in on the […]